Specialized Data Protection Law Firm in São Paulo - SP

Looking for a Data Protection Law Specialist?

  • Data Protection Consultancy since 2019;
  • Acting as a Data Protection Officer (DPO) upon request;
  • Swift and reliable in company mapping and non-compliance scenario analysis.

Data Protection Law

In Brazil, the Data Protection Law (LGPD) number #13.709/2018 came into force on September 18th, September 18, 2020, and its administrative sanctions became enforceable on August 1, 2021.

Inspired by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), applied in the European Union and European Economic Area enforceable since May 25, 2018, the Brazilian LGPD’s main objective is to protect the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy , as well as the free development of the individuals’ personality. Created to enable a scenario of legal security, it brings the standardization of regulations and practices to promote the protection of the personal data of every citizen who is in Brazil, according to the existing international parameters.

Among its main definitions, the law defines personal data, sensitive personal data and also clarifies the additional protection given to children and adolescents’ personal data. Processed data, both in physical and digital media, are subject to regulation and it does not matter whether an organization’s headquarters or data center is located in Brazil or abroad: if there is processing of information about people that are in the national territorry, being Brazilian or not, the LGPD must be observed.

In view of the new concepts, regulation and procedures ruled by LGPD, companies and individuals that deal with data must adapt to comply with legal guidelines.

In order to support LGPD compliance procedures, Parize Bastos Advocacia e Consultoria Jurídica offers assistance tailored to the needs of its clients.


Starting point. Based on the data mapping it is possible to establish the real needs of adequacy.

Adequacy of the company’s terms of use and data privacy policy following the mapped data

Identification of risks and planning for the adoption of measures to minimize said security and
privacy risks.

Preparation of RIPD in accordance with the LGPD.
According to the legislation, the RIPD is the controller’s documentation that contains the
description of personal data processing that may generate risks to civil and fundamental rights,
as well as measures, safeguards and risk mitigation mechanisms.

Adequacy of legal documents and contracts with stakeholders to ensure compliance of the clauses with the LGPD, including adherence to the confidentiality and data privacy policy.

Guidance for the Data Controller’s response to incidents.

Service provision as Data Procetion Officer (DPO) acting with the purpose of disseminating the culture of personal data protection in the organization, establishing a communication channel to receive requests from data subjects and the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), adopting measures and advising teams (employees, contractors and partners) regarding the actions to be taken for the proper treatment and protection of personal data.

Training for teams and individuals in line with the LGPD and with each company’s data security
and privacy governance program.

Over 3 years of experience in Legal Consultancy in Data Protection Law.

Highly specialized

Swift, high-quality, and
exclusive service.

About us

Our office

We are a consultancy formed by lawyers with more than 15 years of professional experience in the Immigration field, as well as in the Labor Law and Civil areas. We have carried out studies and offered services in the area of Data Protection since 2019.

Parize Bastos Advocacia e Consultoria Jurídica was born to provide legal support to both individuals and entrepreneurs, supporting national workers, immigrants, foreign investors and Human Resources managers.

The constant update in terms of legislation, administrative and judicial decisions, and the improvement of planning strategies allied to the adoption of the best compliance practices allow us to offer personalized and excellent support to our clients.

By identifying the needs of each client, whether an individual or a legal entity, we are able to make projects viable and contribute to the resolution of conflicts overcoming challenges.

Why we are different?

We offer legal support and strategic planning customized to the needs of each client.


Our mission is to offer excellent legal advice to facilitate our clients’ decision-making as well as the resolution of conflicts, to carry out projects and to be recognized for this work based on ethics, solidity andcredibility.


Our vision is to contribute effectively to the development of a more ethical and receptive society for all those interested in finding opportunities and overcoming their legal challenges legitimately.


Integrity, commitment, focus on the results sought by our customers supported by an ethical, technical and responsible practice always in line with the law.



Data Procetion







Meet our founder



Renata Bastos

Attorney at Law

Master of Political and Economic Law, specialized in Business Law and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). An experienced lawyer in the areas of Compliance (serving as a Data Protection Officer – DPO), Immigration Law, Labor Law, and Civil Law. Proficient in Negotiation, Legal Writing, and Training, providing legal and business consulting services aimed at preventing non-compliance scenarios. Passionate about global mobility and dynamism in employment relationships, she caters to a wide range of clients.

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